You would like to sell on

To sell at OTTO, certain requirements need to be met. In this short checklist, we have compiled all the necessary criteria we have for each seller. If you meet all the requirements, you can apply as a seller on our marketplace. Each application will be reviewed individually by us. We do this to provide you and our customers with a fair marketplace of high quality. 

You meet the following requirements:

Your company has the German legal form of a company and your registered office is in Germany. Excluded from selling on are small entrepreneurs according to ยง19 UStG.

Your company has its own German VAT ID. Organizations with a common VAT ID cannot be connected or the VAT ID of the controlling company cannot be used.

You ship from a German warehouse. All orders and deliveries can currently only be carried out within Germany. The processing of returns must also take place in Germany.

You offer a German-speaking customer service.

Shipping & returns process requirements for parcel goods:

  • You use one of the following shipping service providers for your parcel goods: DHL, GLS or Hermes. DPD and UPS can only be used for the outbound leg. For the way back DHL, GLS or Hermes are obligatory.
  • You can already transfer a shipment number for the return route to us when sending your parcel goods. (You can find more information about this in the video about the return shipment number)

You can use a forwarding agent of your choice for the handling of forwarded goods and you do not have to provide a returns shipment number.


You offer products from one of the following product ranges:

  • Drugstore: beauty, drugstore & supplements
  • Electronics & Media: electronics, game consoles, game software, home appliances, major domestic appliances, office supplies & stationery, personal care appliances, small kitchen appliances, smartwaches & fitness trackers  and technology accessories
  • Fashion & Lifestyle: clothing (incl. accessories), luggage & bags, jewellery, footwear and watches
  • Furniture & Living: kitchen & household goods, lamps & lighting, mattresses & bedding accesories, furniture, rugs, window shades & curtains, home accessories & decoration and home textiles
  • Garden & DIY: bathroom, DIY, electrical appliances, garden, small hardware, pet supplies and tools & machinery
  • Health: This includes products from the area of everyday medical aids
  • Sports & Leisure: baby accessories, bicycles, craft, childrens furniture & mobility, e-bikes, fitness equipment, musical instruments, toys, scooter, sports equipment & outdoor and bicycle equipment

You sell products that have an EAN and only offer new products.

For a detailed list of which product groups from the above product ranges you can already offer on OTTO Market and which are currently not yet available for sale, please refer to our assortment overview.

Minimum requirements for your production and excluded products

You meet these minimum requirements for your production:

  • Ban on sandblasting in all product groups (unless there is no contact with quartz sand).
  • Ban on PVC in packaging and textiles
  • Ban on real fur
  • Ban on angora and mohair wool
  • Ban on fluorescent tubes
  • Requirements on leather & furs
  • Requirements on feathers & down
  • Requirements on sheep wool and other animal species
  • Requirements on wood

We exclude these assortments / suppliers from sale:

  • Pornography, escort service, prostitution, sex tourism
  • Military / weapons industry (except hunting and sport shooting supplies)
  • Providers of gambling services incl. poker and bingo
  • Providers of pay-per-call services (e.g. 0900 numbers)
  • Providers of content that glorifies violence or drugs
  • Trade in real fur, angora wool from angora rabbits and mohair from angora goats
  • Dog collars with electrical impulses, spray function, ultrasound, barbs and spikes

For more information, click here:

List of prohibited products and Business Partner Declaration on Sustainability.