Your company has one of these German legal forms: AG, Einzelunternehmen ohne Handelsregistrierung, e.K., GbR, GmbH, GmbH & Co KgaA, KG, KGaA, OHG, SE, UG (limited liability)
All other legal forms, including small businesses according § 19 UStG, are excluded from selling on the marketplace
Your registered office is in Germany
Your company has its own German VAT ID
Entities with a shared VAT ID cannot be connected; therefore, the VAT ID of the parent entity cannot be used
For contract creation, we require additional information from you and your company:
We are aware of the responsibility for the products on and place great importance on ensuring that not only legal requirements but also our own human rights and environmental standards are met. These minimum requirements apply to all sellers and include fair production conditions and sustainable resource management.
The minimum requirements are reflected in the so-called „Business Partner Declaration on Sustainability“ which every partner must agree to when entering into a contract with us. In addition to legal requirements and the Otto Group/ amfori BSCI code of conduct, the SD also includes essential requirements which comply with our expectations of ethical conduct.