Important to know

Before we can welcome you as a seller at OTTO, we would like to provide you with some important information. This includes the requirements your company must meet before you can offer your range of products at OTTO. Additionally, we will give you a brief overview of the information we need from you and your company to create the contract.

Requirements for your company

Your company has one of these German legal forms: AG, Einzelunternehmen ohne Handelsregistrierung, e.K., GbR, GmbH, GmbH & Co KgaA, KG, KGaA, OHG, SE, UG (limited liability)


All other legal forms, including small businesses according § 19 UStG, are excluded from selling on the marketplace 

Your registered office is in Germany

Your company has its own German VAT ID

Entities with a shared VAT ID cannot be connected; therefore, the VAT ID of the parent entity cannot be used 


Mandatory information

For contract creation, we require additional information from you and your company:

Information about the company: We will match your information with the data stored at the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt)
  • Complete company name including legal form
  • Company address
  • Additional information about the company depending on the legal form (e.g. details about stock exchange listing)
  • Details of the business account from which OTTO Payments may collect future liabilities. The specified bank account must be located within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
Information on legal requirements: We need your information to comply with legal requirements
  • Information on the obligation to take back old electrical and electronic equipment in accordance with §17 1 & 2 of the ElektroG
  • Information on the obligation to participate in a packaging scheme according to §7 VerpackG and registration with the ZSVR according to §9 VerpackG
  • Information on whether a registered WEEE number is available
  • Information on whether an FSC certification number is available
Information about individuals: For the legitimacy check, we need information about the applicant and the legally authorized representatives


  • Information about the applicant. The applicant must also be an authorized representative for the company
  • Information about legally authorized representatives. Persons with procuration or a similar title are not considered legally authorized representatives
  • Information on beneficial owners with direct or indirect ownership of more than 25% of the company's shares

Requirements for your products and production conditions

We are aware of the responsibility for the products on and place great importance on ensuring that not only legal requirements but also our own human rights and environmental standards are met. These minimum requirements apply to all sellers and include fair production conditions and sustainable resource management. 


The minimum requirements are reflected in the so-called  „Business Partner Declaration on Sustainability“ which every partner must agree to when entering into a contract with us. In addition to legal requirements and the Otto Group/ amfori BSCI code of conduct, the SD also includes essential requirements which comply with our expectations of ethical conduct.


  • Prohibition of sandblasting in all product groups (unless there is no contact with quartz sand)
  • Ban on PVC in packaging and textiles
  • Ban on real fur
  • Ban on angora and mohair wool
  • Ban on fluorescent tubes
  • Requirements on leather & furs
  • Requirements on feathers & down
  • Requirements on sheep wool and other animal species
  • Requirements on wood

More Information

How it works

In our step-by-step guide, we will take you through the connection process at OTTO Market.

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Do you want to sell on OTTO? Use our checklist to see if you meet the requirements

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Check our assortment overview to see which product categories can be offered at OTTO and their respective commissions

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Do you meet all the requirements? Then apply now as a seller on OTTO Market.

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